Tuesday, January 19, 2010

Reasons for the whole class to do badly in an exam- As explained to us by our professor today
1. all of us secretly wanted to do engineering and couldnt and are frustrated by our course and life.
2. she might be teaching badly. But another teacher also said we did badly so its not her teaching....

Reasons we should study-
1. We dont have an option.
2. In India your parents are sacrificing and sending you to college.
3. You will get a job and get respect. Cashiers at McDonald's are worthy of less respect than a teacher.
4. McDonalds markets its goods well so we all buy twenty rupee burgers but end up spending more. (I didnt exactly follow this one.)
5. All jobs are worthy of equal respect but hard work has no substitute.
6. Our course is so perfect. No giving us repeats of old questions every years doesn't make the system support memorizing science answers...it proves we are not deserving of different coz we still do badly.