Saturday, September 25, 2010

Classmate suggests playing a game in class. Only silent game that can be managed while prof is teaching 'draw a picture with chosen letter'.
Letter one- S- drawn object- square.
Letter two- T- table top.
three- C- coffee-table top
four- K- kaju barfi
five R- rhombus
six M- mat
seven- D- diamond (tilt the notebook)
Game abandoned due to me passing off the same drawing as a drawing for all these letters. Dirty looks. Giggles.

Friday, September 24, 2010

This is hopefully going to be the last post on the CWGames. There are ten days left now. Delegates have started arriving... And cancelling.
The flood has reached the games village.
There is shit in the rooms and a minister has issued a statement saying that Indians are just not that clean.
Bridges are collapsing.
It was irritating. Now it's embarrassing.

I'm going back home now. And I'm going back to blogging about things which are pointless and amusing and nobody cares about.

Thursday, September 16, 2010

17 days to go

A video of the chakka jam organized by all the people who are suffering because of the Commonwealth games.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

So the commonwealth games....I saw the funniest thing the other day. No that was not a nonsequitur.
I saw a kid taking a crap in the front lawns of kirori mal college. :D
The workers are living there and you cant really blame the kid. But it was funny. Broad daylight, smug DU-ites and the kid with its pants down.
And yeah, they are still breaking down things like all the foodstalls!! No place to get your daily dose of cheap unhygienic food ...a.k.a BREAKFAST.

Thursday, September 9, 2010

CWGames and deadlines.

The newest deadline for some commonwealth games projects has been declared. It's the 3rd of october. So, when do the games start? Yes, the 3rd is when. That's cutting it a little fine i'd say. Beware, if you turn up at the venue too early, on say the day the games begin, they might still be completing the roof or something. Even I prepare earlier for exams. Although mom said that's coz i leave out portions of the syllabus that don't interest me. Her insights are scary.
The last word on deadlines is Douglas Adams though. "I love deadlines. I like the whooshing sound they make as they fly by."

Monday, September 6, 2010

Returned to delhi. There is now less than a month left to the CWGames. Construction is crazy now.
Suddenly there are overhead bridges being constructed to cross roads. Either for the last decade of pedestrian deaths in delhi nobody cared or firangs are bad at crossing roads.
Connaught Place is still a mess.
Millions of plants are being planted in the dividers. They will all die in the middle of the alternate rainfall and bright sun.
People are not particularly optimistic.

Saturday, September 4, 2010

So I am terrible at doing this countdown thing huh? In my defense, I tried. i really did. But then viral fever and what not have derailed me.
Speaking of derailing. I realised that I needed to get out of Delhi. The city has simultaneous epidemics of dengue and conjunctivitis. And they are so busy digging that they haven't even identified the strains of the diseases yet. It's a nightmare. People are dying of dengue. So yeah, I booked a ticket and came home. The trip was strange. The train in front of us got derailed. The great Indian public started breaking the windows of our train. We were instructed to draw the curtains and sit still. I call V, who is in on my plan to surprise my parents and tell him that if anything happens to me he's going to have to call home and tell mom what happened and how i had ended up in a train anyway. He tells me comforting songs like crash and burn. Calls me weird and stupid. Wonders about just telling my bro anyway that I'm coming and ruining the surprise for me and then the train starts moving so he hangs up. Leaving me wondering why he's my friend and actually the only friend in whom I confided the plan.
Expression on my parents faces when I walked in through the door halfway through their lunch...PRICELESS. Expression when they heard that I didn't have a return ticket because I spent all my money on the homecoming....not so priceless, but thankfully amused not angry. Expression on mom's face when she sees that me being her nerdy daughter have not packed any clothes just my laptop and three books- grim resignation followed by feared dialogue -'we have to go shopping'.
Expression that will be on the faces of my extended family when I turn up at the family dinner on sunday.... can't wait to find out. Keep checking weird life tapestry!