Saturday, November 21, 2009

My roommate today decides to cook chicken. We go shopping. Shop to shop cart to cart. We're buying vegetables, spices and whatever is necessary. (All I bought was an extension cable to solve my speakers and laptop problems and five bandaids.) It's all going fine until she decides she needs just one onion. She tells this vendor to give her one onion. Then feeling stupid she asks him if she should pay him a rupee or two. He smiles,"Do I look like a beggar?" Super embarrassed, we shuffle off and dissolve into a fit of laughter. Twenty minutes later, where we buy milk, the man gives me free milk cake after I ask him sheepishly to cut me a small piece.
We come back feeling very cheerful about our campus. Updates on chicken meal later!


  1. they say price of onions is rising tho, no? and i know this isn't related, but you met the simoquin man! eeeeee! *fangirl moment* almost got the deal done btw renovate kobe hobe?

  2. blog renovate in progress. and yes i met the simoqin man....eeeeeeee!
    and celebratory champagne is due soon for ur deal

  3. The information here is great. I will invite my friends here.

