Saturday, November 21, 2009

I am atheist and apolitical. Almost everyone who knows me knows that.
Yesterday AA walks into my room. It is night and it is cold. Very cold. We are sitting content, umashree and third honorary roommate shubh, after a meal of fried chicken in the mess. AA asks, does anyone want to go for a talk show on NDTV tomorrow? We can ask Chidambaram questions! Shubh says no, Uma says yes. More people are required and the dreaded question comes to me. Last resort I try to pull off 'You realize I'm going to ask you who Chidambaram is now....?' AA starts minister blablabla...... then realises that that was just me pretending to be an idiot. Cold night nothwithstanding I am shaken up. I still refuse to go. Last time I was on a talkshow I looked like I needed a bath and I was actually glad that my parents didn't see me.


  1. You do know he is no longer in finance..he is home minister nw..!!
