Tuesday, August 24, 2010

Lost count days left.

I apologise to those of who amuse yourselves by reading my anti-CWG posts for not posting anything for a few days. In my defense, I have been sick and busy and sunday is a holiday.
Busy? Yes!
I went to a resettlement slum yesterday. Now I have pictures and horror stories to last me till the games. So the college women's development cell and some NGO together decided to visit this place, Bhalaswa. I had no classes so I tagged along with a camera.
Imagine that you live in a slum. It can't be fun but atleast you live close to where you work. Then one day there is a board which says vacate by tomorrow. Bulldozers are coming. So you along with some thousands of families are resettled to a marsh. Yes a marsh. And to double the misery your government doesn't give you some money to develop this area. NOPE. You have to pay them for the lease on the land. And the marsh is really far from all civilization so to travel to your workplace you spend a decent bit everyday which with your earnings isn't really an option. And the marsh is quite unsuitable for human habitation. And it's right next to a huge disgusting landfill. Children are dying from snakebites. Everyday.
Why resettled? Because when the firangs come....delhi has to look pretty.
So, the lease gets over when? November. Right after the games. No idea what happens to you after that.
(pictures later. high fever right now)

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