Saturday, March 9, 2013

In India the sentence 'we talked about the weather.' means that you are describing a boring conversation.
You run out of things to talk about, you exhaust every single possible avenue to take the conversation in, and you say, 'It's so hot these days' or something similar.
If you're witty you say 'I'm not sure if this is sweat or if this is me slowly melting.' The other person usually gives you a dirty look and walks away at this point.
Or responds with a 'Yeaaah. so hot! hmm. yeahhh' and then looks around for new people to talk to.
When describing why you can't possibly meet a boy again, how extremely ineligible he is for more of your attention, you say 'But we were so bored. We even talked about the weather." Your roommate/lab partner/whoever-you-talk-to-about-boys(or girls if you're into girls) nods gravely. She/he understands. Enough has been said to illustrate the level of boredom. "THE WEATHER?! Really? My my."

In London.
It is a different story.
The most visited window on your browser is the bbc weather forecast. 

Sunday, March 3, 2013

Panicked email from mother.
"No spiky ends, no part of the scalp showing."
In response to the simple "I think I will get a haircut"
Another one a few minutes later clarifies that crew cuts are also not acceptable.

Last week, she rings me up on skype. I'm in school but I take it. 
Wave at my friends mother. See the lovely skyline mother. 
"Why are you studying? Are you going to fail?"
The logic apparently being that she has never seen me bother to study so I must be failing.

One must give up trying to be a better kid.