Tuesday, March 27, 2012

Marital and martial are almost the same word. Just one letter changes place!

Hmm. I started a post with that sentence a week ago. Then I abandoned it. It could have been a good post. I don't know, depending on where it went.

I abandoned it because I didn't know where it could go.

Speaking of things headed in unknown directions. My teacher from school asked me to come speak to her class about career options. The reason she asked me to come speak to them is that out of the fifty students who were in my class, I am one of the two who did not become an engineer.

Things headed in unknown directions, did you say?
answer 1- my life.
answer 2- that talk.

Let's not discuss answer 1.

Talking to schoolchildren. Schoolchildren are scary. When I was in school we made it a point to try to reduce all the substitute temp teachers to tears. And the career counselling sessions! Well, I wouldn't know, I was bunking them and playing ping pong. Hmm, that could explain answer 1.

In summers I teach schoolchildren karate. Summer before last, they misbehaved, I refused to punish them because I was just one year out of school and thought I was one of them. Then sir punished me for failing to maintain order.

Last summer, two of the boys thought it would be funny to run in circles when I told them to practice their kicks. So before I was punished, I went ahead and punished them. Thirty sit-ups. We start from one each time you stop you little buggers. Then I felt REALLY happy about punishing them. Then I felt REALLY guilty for feeling really happy about punishing them. They had turned me in to a monster!

This summer I haven't turned up in the club yet.

Maybe they've reformed schoolchildren since last summer.