Two and a half years of undergrad devoted to studying physics. Today it all paid off. The awfully long lab hours, the occasionally exciting theory classes.
Today I was allowed to work with a cloud chamber. Sitting there, actually seeing evidence of all the stuff about the insides of an atom we have been studying about since we were thirteen, it was amazing.
Little streaks of light. Pretty shapes. And three amazing lab partners. Nerd-life is good.
The hero of the afternoon was a very unlikely one though. When we were starting we wondered how to clean out the inside of the chamber. I suddenly remember something. I open my bag and pull out a roll of toilet paper.
"Oh. Really?" went Sonali.
"No. I just bought it on the way to college."
"Oh." (giggle)
That roll helped clean the chamber, wipe the spilt alcohol, dry the chamber at the end.
Explaining to my roommate how I finished half a roll in one day....."Oh, just tell her that four of us used it." (Pause to realize what she just said. Laughter.)
Also, is Qatar big enough to host a FIFA world cup?