Thursday, July 29, 2010


Henceforth my life will have strict rules.

1. Scrawny little mice are not allowed to run over my laptop. Big rats may do so if they wish coz I'm scared of them and so won't protest.
2. People who call me are not allowed to explain why they suddenly started mumbling. Just don't mumble. Especially if the reason is that you just started bleeding from your nose.
3. Professors cannot tell me that my attention span is short. Firstly, it's short only when you're boring. Secondly, my lab partner made the addition mistakes, or maybe her calculator made them and she didn't notice. I just happened to be the one holding the notebook when you looked.
4. My name is not ghonchu.
5. Gardeners are not allowed to have power trips when I had class till 4.30 and feel tired and murderous and back-ache-ey. They should choose better moments to show me how they are more important than me in the universal scheme of things. Or for the commonwealth games to happen. Whatever.
They are not allowed to look at me smugly when I can't find my books in the big mound of chaos you call the luggage room. You have the key to the room. I get it. I do. You are busy ruining my hostel for the games to happen. They pay you. I forgive you. Just don't be smug. Those books are important to one little nerdy child called ghonchu who is very confused about the future. She needs to move them to her temporary home. Just open the damn door.
They are not allowed to lie down on mattresses and stare while I trip over all the cartons and my shoe goes flying. I know my shoes are to big for me. Not his problem.

Helpful suggestions about how to implement these rules will be rewarded, not in cash but in kind.

Monday, July 26, 2010

malfunctions with ones wardrobe. strange examples from real life

Today i set out for college with a huge laundry bundle in tow. Around eleven I realized that I left it somewhere. I spent the next hour of electronics class wondering where I had lost my clothes and worrying about what I would wear for the rest of the year. The moment class was over I rushed out and ran to the hostel. The warden had kept the stinky clothes carefully in her office and didnt seem surprised when I said they were mine! i reached the solid state class quite late as a consequence. The prof shot me a dirty look that said "AHA. YOU. WHO BUT YOU COULD ARRIVE LATE FOR THE 1ST CLASS OF THE YEAR". I gave her a look that said ...well it was my retarded look.

Last week.
Toto, Gaga and Pal decide to catch a movie the day before college reopens. It's raining really hard but the plan must not be abandoned. So they reach the mall dripping wet.
Suffice it to say that people look really really shocked when they walk into a ladies room in a mall to see a gaga drying two pairs of trousers underneath the hand blow dryer machine with the help of the attendant lady, a toto jumping around pantless and running into the cubicles shrieking whenever women walk in and a pal who throws the toto out mercilessly because the toto ran into the cubicle she was sheltering in because the pal needs to pee. Life is embarrassing.

Thursday, July 22, 2010

This week has been depression about results, apprehension about the future, creative constipation, confusion about where to live, eating chicken at 1am because the neighbours felt sorry for two of my flatmates having mangoes for dinner, decisions to drop out of college and to give various different postgrad studies exams. yuck. i want peace of mind.
and butter chicken.

Wednesday, July 7, 2010

Location: Cambodia
Time: July, 2010

My mom is in a souvenir store. Which sells jewellery. She decides on a set of aquamarine set in silver. Then she starts haggling. I'm standing there on one leg and not interfering, jewellery isn't my thing, I just have to ensure that my mom doesn't spend more money than what she has. Cambodian riels are very confusing. The shop girl keeps telling her how beautiful the set is, and how beautiful mom will look in it. Eventually mom gets bored of her line of attack. She says,"This is for my daughter." And points at me. "For her wedding". My stork yoga pose meditation is shattered. I overbalance gracelessly and gawp at mom. The shop-girl also has a really blank look for a moment. I can see her thinking child marriage. (OMG! This child is barely eighteen. Indians are strange!! Ah well, the customer is always right.) She looks at me,"Your marriage???" I blink. "When." I say. "Later." Coherent sentences were refusing to form inside my brain.
"IF!!!!!!!!!!!!!" I think and shout 'if' at my mother inside my head.
Anyway, knockout punch delivered mom triumphantly walks out of store.

Friday, July 2, 2010

Angkor Thom

gateway to the walled city. (above) and the temples. (below)

Orchids. Botanical Garden. Singapore.