Monday, October 19, 2009


Uh, Baguettes and croissants that will make my dry morning bread seem worse.
And cakes. The French people, they can bake!
And beef bourgoeignon with mashed potatoes. (that spelling is not correct but i cant figure out the right combination of vowels)
And french wine.
And chocolate. Yummy creamy blissful.

Sunday, October 18, 2009

5. The Louvre
Yes I saw La Jaconde. I smiled back at her politely.
I also saw Venus de Milo and liked all humans wondered where her arms are and what they pointed at.
wanna know what she looks like from the back? MonaLisa not venus de milo.....
That's what. Except the woman of course.
Pictures and sculpture from around the time of the renaissance. My pick was the young martyr by Delaroche. Check it out online. I didn't take too many pictures of pictures. There are better ones online.
The Egyptian exhibit was good too. And the royal bedrooms were all so well-preserved. Such luxury and grandeur! I wondered what the Mughal palaces were like before the British stripped them clean.
6. Orsay museum.
Was amazing. All the impressionist art. Vibrant colors. The pictures on the interent or in books just do not do them justice. Those thickly applied colors, brushstrokes were just too beautiful. Monet's cathedrals. Sisley. Pissarro. Van Gogh. Starry night left me stunned. And Cezanne drew apples a lot, but he did draw them rather well.
7. The Orangerie. Eight of Monet's waterlilies canvases. Huge canvases. In oval shaped rooms.

Saturday, October 17, 2009

Everyone demands a travel description post. Paris defies description so easily, I'm sure lonely planet has a better one than mine.
But I must take a shot ...I told everyone who asked me for a description that I would just put one up and spare myself the trouble of repeating it too many times, for one reason.

Let's do this pointwise, I shall add points for the next as many days as strikes my fancy then.

1. Public transport there is great. Metro, bus, train and the same weekly ticket works for all of them. Sometimes the ticket doesn't work, especially at times when everyone else with whom I can squeeze and scoot over has crossed the gates. Then either a nice guy offers to let you squeeze through with him or you try through the doors of the other end. A fat frenchman hit me in the stomach with his suitcase when I tried that, strange patriotism, and I shouted "the pass got stuck" as loudly as I can at him and then ran through while bro activated the mechanism to open the door from the other side for me.

2. The notredame's architecture inspired respect for gothic things in me. Not that that means everyone wearing black clothes and nailpolish can now pretend to be gothic in front of me. (2nd pic on top, gargoyles in previous post)

3. Watching the artists paint at Mont-martre (pic on top)

4. We could see the eiffel tower from our flat which was in the suburbs. at night it lights up and at the beginning of each hour there are twinkly lights. The door to the verandah was glass. Basically, half the wall was glass. And you could fall asleep watching it.

Art and Food will have to be later posts. à bientôt.

Thursday, October 15, 2009

So. Dear little blog etc. Here I am. Back from Paris. Yes P A R I S. That city. Where even the houses are pretty. Where the museums are just....i dont know what. Amazing?
Ok. enough useless words. Here's pick of pics.

notredame. me and chimaeras. fairly distinguishable unlike the one of bro and them

shoili at the gateway to hell. rodin museum

in front of a monet. waterlilies canvas

jim morrison's grave.
eiffel tower. with bro