It's Christmas tomorrow. Chelsea is top of the table even though the last few league games were rather awful, ManU came up with a bad show too. I'm a Ni-Dan...or a second black belt. Even though that's at the cost of my nose as Vineet pointed out. But considering I can sleep flat on it again I think I'm fine.
Smartest story of the year-
Little brother ranked something in the national cyber olympiad. Pretty high rank. When asked, he realized that he didnt know how many people took the test so he had no way of measuring how well he had done. He asked his teachers, he checked online. When even google failed, he made a plan. He would take the test again next year and answer nothing. Nothing at all. That way, his rank would be the lowest. So he would know. Once he knew, he could of course estimate how well he had done this year.
Stupidest comment of the year-
After wrapping up our fest inspite of rain, strikes and sponsorship deals falling through in the middle of the fest we pulled off the fest. The professors congratulate us at the end of it all when we go say bye to them.
Priyanjana,"Thank You Ma'am."
Me,"Ma'am let the budget come to you, then congratulate us."
Punch of the year-
Aritra. For making this the worst karate exam of my life by landing a foul shot on my nose. One that got me points and a lot of pain. This other guy Aritra did the kata with me and made me look like a lumbering elephant because I at my best will never be graceful while he is, I think, partly non-human.....
Song of the year-
Sattwick. For a song called naked. I will ask him if posting the lyrics is a copyright infringement.
For the other people who deserve mention, I will think up more awards or I will pretend to be unable to be imaginative enough to think up awards.
Thursday, December 24, 2009
Monday, December 21, 2009
Tuesday, December 1, 2009
Monday, November 30, 2009
Sunday, November 29, 2009
Saturday, November 21, 2009
My roommate today decides to cook chicken. We go shopping. Shop to shop cart to cart. We're buying vegetables, spices and whatever is necessary. (All I bought was an extension cable to solve my speakers and laptop problems and five bandaids.) It's all going fine until she decides she needs just one onion. She tells this vendor to give her one onion. Then feeling stupid she asks him if she should pay him a rupee or two. He smiles,"Do I look like a beggar?" Super embarrassed, we shuffle off and dissolve into a fit of laughter. Twenty minutes later, where we buy milk, the man gives me free milk cake after I ask him sheepishly to cut me a small piece.
We come back feeling very cheerful about our campus. Updates on chicken meal later!
I am atheist and apolitical. Almost everyone who knows me knows that.
Yesterday AA walks into my room. It is night and it is cold. Very cold. We are sitting content, umashree and third honorary roommate shubh, after a meal of fried chicken in the mess. AA asks, does anyone want to go for a talk show on NDTV tomorrow? We can ask Chidambaram questions! Shubh says no, Uma says yes. More people are required and the dreaded question comes to me. Last resort I try to pull off 'You realize I'm going to ask you who Chidambaram is now....?' AA starts minister blablabla...... then realises that that was just me pretending to be an idiot. Cold night nothwithstanding I am shaken up. I still refuse to go. Last time I was on a talkshow I looked like I needed a bath and I was actually glad that my parents didn't see me.
Wednesday, November 18, 2009
8.00 get out of bed and start preparing introduction for the prof coming today. dont find data and blog wasn't the plan
8.30 sprint down the lawns to class8.40-12.30 attend classes and run around making last moment arrangements for food and projector
12.30 attend astrophysics lecture
12.30 teach ladies self-defence in a WDC workshop
1530 attend this other thing...don't remember....but i'm sure i'll see a poster
1800 meet friend for dinner
yes there are two things at 12.30. i didnt notice.......... :(
Sunday, November 15, 2009
Good things will happen...........
this stomachache will stop because it must stop
and i will travel to the north and see snow again
and at home there is a new garden and loved ones have returned and loved ones await
and a trip to a certain second hand sunday book bazaar is overdue and so is a trip or rather a pilgrimage with dm to gorge ourselves silly
and the antibiotics are over and appetite and energy are human now and will soon be me level
and i will learn stuff and do stuff and feel good.
Saturday, November 7, 2009
Somewhere....thousands of kms a four-storeyed house, on the fourth floor there is a woman. In winter she wears socks which have the big toe know the ones right? She takes out a pair... and notices that they are both left foot socks.....
Here, her daughter cheerfully goes to college wearing two right foot socks.
Here, her daughter cheerfully goes to college wearing two right foot socks.
Monday, October 19, 2009
Uh, Baguettes and croissants that will make my dry morning bread seem worse.
And cakes. The French people, they can bake!
And beef bourgoeignon with mashed potatoes. (that spelling is not correct but i cant figure out the right combination of vowels)
And french wine.
And chocolate. Yummy creamy blissful.
Sunday, October 18, 2009
5. The Louvre
Yes I saw La Jaconde. I smiled back at her politely.
I also saw Venus de Milo and liked all humans wondered where her arms are and what they pointed at.
wanna know what she looks like from the back? MonaLisa not venus de milo.....
That's what. Except the woman of course.
Pictures and sculpture from around the time of the renaissance. My pick was the young martyr by Delaroche. Check it out online. I didn't take too many pictures of pictures. There are better ones online.
The Egyptian exhibit was good too. And the royal bedrooms were all so well-preserved. Such luxury and grandeur! I wondered what the Mughal palaces were like before the British stripped them clean.
6. Orsay museum.
Was amazing. All the impressionist art. Vibrant colors. The pictures on the interent or in books just do not do them justice. Those thickly applied colors, brushstrokes were just too beautiful. Monet's cathedrals. Sisley. Pissarro. Van Gogh. Starry night left me stunned. And Cezanne drew apples a lot, but he did draw them rather well.
7. The Orangerie. Eight of Monet's waterlilies canvases. Huge canvases. In oval shaped rooms.
Yes I saw La Jaconde. I smiled back at her politely.
I also saw Venus de Milo and liked all humans wondered where her arms are and what they pointed at.
wanna know what she looks like from the back? MonaLisa not venus de milo.....
Pictures and sculpture from around the time of the renaissance. My pick was the young martyr by Delaroche. Check it out online. I didn't take too many pictures of pictures. There are better ones online.
The Egyptian exhibit was good too. And the royal bedrooms were all so well-preserved. Such luxury and grandeur! I wondered what the Mughal palaces were like before the British stripped them clean.
6. Orsay museum.
Was amazing. All the impressionist art. Vibrant colors. The pictures on the interent or in books just do not do them justice. Those thickly applied colors, brushstrokes were just too beautiful. Monet's cathedrals. Sisley. Pissarro. Van Gogh. Starry night left me stunned. And Cezanne drew apples a lot, but he did draw them rather well.
7. The Orangerie. Eight of Monet's waterlilies canvases. Huge canvases. In oval shaped rooms.
Saturday, October 17, 2009
Everyone demands a travel description post. Paris defies description so easily, I'm sure lonely planet has a better one than mine.
But I must take a shot ...I told everyone who asked me for a description that I would just put one up and spare myself the trouble of repeating it too many times, for one reason.
Let's do this pointwise, I shall add points for the next as many days as strikes my fancy then.
1. Public transport there is great. Metro, bus, train and the same weekly ticket works for all of them. Sometimes the ticket doesn't work, especially at times when everyone else with whom I can squeeze and scoot over has crossed the gates. Then either a nice guy offers to let you squeeze through with him or you try through the doors of the other end. A fat frenchman hit me in the stomach with his suitcase when I tried that, strange patriotism, and I shouted "the pass got stuck" as loudly as I can at him and then ran through while bro activated the mechanism to open the door from the other side for me.
2. The notredame's architecture inspired respect for gothic things in me. Not that that means everyone wearing black clothes and nailpolish can now pretend to be gothic in front of me. (2nd pic on top, gargoyles in previous post)
3. Watching the artists paint at Mont-martre (pic on top)
4. We could see the eiffel tower from our flat which was in the suburbs. at night it lights up and at the beginning of each hour there are twinkly lights. The door to the verandah was glass. Basically, half the wall was glass. And you could fall asleep watching it.
Art and Food will have to be later posts. à bientôt.
Thursday, October 15, 2009
So. Dear little blog etc. Here I am. Back from Paris. Yes P A R I S. That city. Where even the houses are pretty. Where the museums are just....i dont know what. Amazing?
Ok. enough useless words. Here's pick of pics.
notredame. me and chimaeras. fairly distinguishable unlike the one of bro and them

shoili at the gateway to hell. rodin museum

in front of a monet. waterlilies canvas

jim morrison's grave.
eiffel tower. with bro
Ok. enough useless words. Here's pick of pics.
notredame. me and chimaeras. fairly distinguishable unlike the one of bro and them
shoili at the gateway to hell. rodin museum
in front of a monet. waterlilies canvas
jim morrison's grave.
Saturday, September 19, 2009
Picture this- (sorry I couldn't take one coz of the psychedelic lights. use your imagination)
A paper dance at a party.
1. Two guys entering as a gay couple, dancing in a tight embrace, grinding front to front and later embarrasedly telling me that they aren't gay, not even bi but just terribly drunk
2. When the paper gets really small...around the time when the guys pick up the girls....A's partner being like ten kilos lighter and she being an army kid.....she picks him up....and that too across his shoulders in an army hold used to carry your dying comrade and he demurely hangs there like a fur.
(social with an iit hostel. true story :D)
A paper dance at a party.
1. Two guys entering as a gay couple, dancing in a tight embrace, grinding front to front and later embarrasedly telling me that they aren't gay, not even bi but just terribly drunk
2. When the paper gets really small...around the time when the guys pick up the girls....A's partner being like ten kilos lighter and she being an army kid.....she picks him up....and that too across his shoulders in an army hold used to carry your dying comrade and he demurely hangs there like a fur.
(social with an iit hostel. true story :D)
Monday, August 24, 2009
Saturday, August 8, 2009
They could hear uproar in the next classroom. It went on for quite a while and finally Sir strode out of their class to investigate. One of the boys also, unable to contain his curiosity, followed sir out. He came back in a minute and announced to the rest of the class," RBT is jumping. That's why the class is shouting." While the class tries to digest this information sir comes back in and with a twisted grin says," There was a bee in the room. You should have seen how scared they got!"
btw- rbt= royal bengal tiger, a particularly ferocious teacher lady
btw- rbt= royal bengal tiger, a particularly ferocious teacher lady
Sunday, August 2, 2009
Of Furniture
Sunday, July 26, 2009
Monday, July 13, 2009
The two spectacular examples of bad english I have come across recently.
Teacher: "All of my ex-students have passed away."
Student: "No ma'am. It's 'passed out'." (click the link if u didn't get the two awful misuses in that one)
Me:"I need my suitcase back by tomorrow."
Shop Lady:"Ma'am I will try to deliver you."
Presumably meaning 'deliver it to you' and not show me a route to heaven or be the nurse at my birth.
Saturday, July 11, 2009
Monday, July 6, 2009
Sunday, July 5, 2009
A few years ago, our school took us to a trip to a science museum. I remember standing on some gizmo which displayed your heart rate. The thing was at 60, the guy before me's rate. Then I stood. It decreased straight down, down into the 30's. I clearly remember someone beside me grinning and saying, "You're dying". I got off the stupid thing then.
Back in school to meet my old games teacher. Two days ago. The school is buying equipment for a new gym. Sir tells me to try the treadmill. I start running, sir switches on the monitor. He looks at it, turns his blank stare to me and says,"Your heart beat is zero." I stare at him and yell "DEADBODY! Sir." Sir looks at the delivery guy with the exact same expression and says,"The monitor doesn't work."
Friday, July 3, 2009
A collection of the lines that distinguish the day scholar from the hosteler.
"You look...good today!"
"You look...clean today!"
Question:"You hair looks good today. Did you get a haircut?"
Answer: "Yes, thank you."
"No! I shampooed!"
12 midnight, day before exam.
"Have you finished studying?"
"Have you started studying?/ Have you finished watching that movie? I want it. NOW."
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Saturday, June 27, 2009
Yesterday, Samit Basu, whose books it cost me more to post by courier than it did to buy, called me sinister.
Incidentally, my brother loves the Gameworld trilogy (which made posting it to him worth it)
Years ago, bro made a poem
My mother is a bother
My dad is bad
My sister is sinister
But I am a saintly lad
In Kullu, I took a bath after 5 days of trekking, then put my towel out to dry. A few hours later I noticed that the colorful yellow and blue stripey flag on the lamppost across the road was my towel.
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Thursday, June 18, 2009
Balls For You. HA
Confederations Cup going on right now. My major source of entertainment.
For those who dont know its an 8nation football tournament, the world champions and all the continental champions, and the hosts.
This is Kopanya. The Ball they are playing with. It's currently my favoutite football. I think it's beautiful! Kopanya means together.

Other footballs you all should see are...
Teamgeist meaning team spirit. This is the golden one which was used in the final of the World Cup.

Europass. Used in the last Euro Cup


T90 (cant find the picture in my laptop right now)
And lastly the Uefa Champions League ball. The prettiest of them all.

Monday, June 15, 2009
Little Ivan and the rest of the trek
So we came down the mountain. Ivan doing it with two crutches, a feat which seemed incredible when we later came to know he's fractured his leg in three places.
I also became friends with porter RumSingh when he pulled my suitcase for me after I was calling home and telling Mom that I'm gonna throw it into the Beas and she can fish it out of the Ganga in Kolkata. We made RumSingh sing in his language. Kulvi I think he said it was. RumSingh made me sing in my language.
We reached Kullu pretty late. The first thing we did was run around the room screaming in joy at the sight of the beautiful bed and bathroom. Literally. Then we changed out of our trekking clothes. Muddy, dirty and in my case torn. My windcheater had torn after I tried to jump into it in world record time after spending two hours sitting right beside a fire with the porters and guides. Chhotu and Gopal. Apparently the rest of the team couldnt take the heat. I spent my time peacefully drying everyone's wet clothes. I remember somebody's sock drying on a branch fell into the fire. The Somebody coolly threw the other sock in too.
Anyway, then we ate tandoori rotis with meat and fell asleep. Federer won the French open.
Next day was spent eating plums, apricots, peaches and hanging around Ivan's room. By evening I had become fast friends with the kid. Little Ivan has a very enchanting something. R crushed on him and Nepu (short for nekapusu or silly pussy) actually replied when he called her Nepu. Upon which he turned and winked at me fully aware of his achievement.
Next day we went to Manali. Manali has these temples. For Hidimba and her son Ghatotkach. Both portrayed as rakshases in Aryan literature ie the Mahabharata. So the G I have mentioned before is called Ghotu, short for Ghatotkach. This gave rise to a lot of merriment and the kids enjoyed Manali. We took loads of pictures for Ivan. I ate a 4-in-1 softy icecream in Manali. Choco-vanilla-strawberry-black currant. Slurrrp! mmm... I also found a Tibetan jewellery store which everybody loved. Thanks to that I had to sprint down the mainroad of Manali with an uncle coz he wanted to buy some for his kid and there was 5 minutes left to reach the busstop. We finished the world record sprint and jewellery buying but then I sprinted off again when another guy offered to treat the kids to momos. We ate like 4 momos each then packed the rest and ran back coz the leader of the expedition was calling us up and yelling through the cellphone. Special mention must go to S (kid who stranded me in frozen water). He ate 8 momos in under a minute without choking.
The next day was the bus journey to Chandigarh. Train at midnight. The train journey consisted of singing our lungs out and exchanging phone numbers. Me and Little Ivan also discussed injuries and football and lots of things. We also ate all the remaining supplies which included a box of chocolates.
Ivan told me a great story. When he was sitting with his plastered leg at Manikaran a Punjabi came up to him and asked about his leg. Then he said,"That's a nice shirt." "thanks" "But weren't you wearing a different one yesterday?" "Uhhh....yeah...." "Hm.""Why? When did you put on the shirt you're wearing now?" "I dont remember."
Then we reached good old Howrah station and I squeezed the breath out of my Dad and went home and ate breakfast and lunch consecutively. Not brunch ok? Both.
And that, is the end of my trek chronicles.
Saturday, June 13, 2009
The Trek
After the highlights comes the match replay :D
So after a month long round of exams I come home dying to do something. Lugging with me an extra suitcase full of winter clothes coz Mom has arranged for a trek with a group of people I do not know. She knows one of them. And as it turned out, the group consisted of no-one my age.
So I bought a rucksack, a jacket, a sleeping bag and two pairs of rubber-soled shoes and cheerfully set out to 'see mountains' as I put it. That's because thanks to a very asthmatic childhood all my vacations are seaside. Or hill station. But I had never seen snowcapped peaks. Or snowfall.
At the railway station I was introduced to a group of children, around 15 years old at an average and their parents and a core group of trained trekker and mountaineer men.
So we piled into a train and set out. Singing cheerfully.
We reached Chandigarh at midnight day after that and piled into a bus. After a twelve hour bus journey with breaks to eat and pee we reached Manikaran. Manikaran is famous for hot water springs. The cool part is that we lived in a gurudwara. Incidentally, bro says, Manikaran has one of India's only two geothermal energy plants. Anyway, so all 46 of us in one room in a gurudwara and eating in a langar was a total new experience. Next morning we piled into cars and set out for Tosh village. Lots of us threw up. It's called altitude change.... (I'm going to take a line here to wish a friend. Dear Vineet, that was probably ur b'day. Happy Birthday. It probably sucked coz u had exams right after but hopefully knowing that people threw up may make u feel happier coz of ur weird interest in puke)
Tosh is this beautiful village. Last outpost of civilization. Last plugpoint. Last bed. Last potty. Wild weed growing everywhere. We stayed in a little hotel run by a local couple. In the afternoon they took us to see the waterfall and the local dam and power project. They almost ran along, leaving us huffing and puffing and hurting experienced trekker uncleA's ego pretty badly.
Next day we started trekking. Wonderful little trail. Snowcapped mountains in the distance. Pine and fir trees around us. Colorful wildflowers.

It was a short trek and we reached camp quickly. Just one minor mishap happened. R and T, two teenagers managed to walk right into the middle of a lot of squishy mud and sink ankle deep in it and get totally stuck. They screamed for uncleA and he came running and pulled them out after handing me his rucksack. I had an attack of the giggles then. I think the altitude had a little to do with it.

Campsite was called Budhaban. My first time living in a tent.
The next day the trek was really really long. Exhausting for everybody. Adding to my misery came a round of menstrual cramps. My stomach felt like someone had pumped it with lead. The guide Teedee, a mountain of a man, put up with my moaning for the last two hours of the trek. How much longer? I don't want to walk anymore....
Just twenty more minutes is what he said every time. The man must have a terrible impression if me.
Camp was called Sharamthach. Night was bitterly cold.
The third day's trek was amazing. We crossed the treeline. We had to cross glaciers, freezingly cold rivers and stretches of the trail were so narrow that one misstep meant disaster. I was walking behind a kid for most of the way. He's got some trekking experience and is good at picking out the right way to go but when it comes to glaciers and rivers he's BAAd. Glaciers, his formula is to cling to the rope and be pulled across coz otherwise he slips. The entire dig in the side of your foot doesn't work for him. Rivers, he just stopped in the middle of one when he found some rocks, leaving me stranded barefoot in ankle deep water which was freeeeeeezing. Man I howled then.
We reached camp. Samsithach. It started to snow. We pitched our tents and rushed inside. Our tent hadn't been pitched too well as we discovered later. The sides weren't pulled tight and water seeped in all night. Added to a porter spilling water in our tent while giving us warm driking water made our tent quite the mother of misery. We fell asleep sitting in the cold wet tent. I was apparently the only one who managed to sleep well.

Bad weather conditions forced us to start our descent the next day after a quick snowball fight. We never made it to Papsura base camp. Lots of us did heave sighs of relief at that.
Descent in the slippery snow was difficult. Two people and me managed to take a little bit of a wrong trail and ended up climbing up the side of a mountain straight to regain the trail. that was fun. After that me and uncleA trekked a long distance. This was fine and we just sat down to eat boiled eggs when 13year old G who had crapped his pants arrived. Apparently he hadnt been, crapping behind rocks not being his thing, and then slipped in snow and done it. He stank something terrible and gave me and uncleA a lot of speed. Little Ivan broke his leg that day. he completed the trek with two crutches. (Applause)
After a last night in tents we reached Tosh the next day and piled back into buses to go to Kullu. That was also the day I realized I was crapping in a Marijuana field.
Little Ivan's xray revealed three fractures and his leg was put in a cast.
last three days to be written later..... :P
Friday, June 12, 2009
Trek Highlights
Crapping- in the middle of a marijuana field, behind a rock while a huge he-sheep comes and stands majestically on rock. (stare right back and he goes away)
note to self- is he-sheep a word, he-goat is.
Sleeping- in a tent which had come open at the top and is thus tiptilted and has snowfall outside with cold water dripping down the sides and a lot of overturned water sloshing around the floor. I was the only one who managed solid sleep given the conditions. Yay for me.
Eating, then not washing the tin coz it was too cold and getting a round scolding from a 15year old little pahari boy who simply refused to buy the excuse of 'cold'.
Snowball fight.
more later....
Sunday, May 24, 2009
And then I turned 19
Warm fuzzy feeling. Good feeling. Heartfelt love radiating out towards everyone who wished me.
have to mention
Suki's gift/wish-
Vineet's message, after a friendship based on insults and football rivalry, suddenly telling me to have a great day.
Sattwick's gloomy wish which almost alarmed me, 'Soon you will be in your twenties and people will expect you to act all mature and grown-up', till I realized he was talking about himself more than wishing me.
Trisha, 'damn u'r getting old'.
Happy Birthday to me.
Happy Birthday to me. Tune impaired as always, I finally sing to myself on the blog.
And for everyone who's asking what I did...We went to my grandfather's flat and it was cleaned. Yes, that is what me and my family did. Then we ate.
I also discovered what is now my latest favourite quote in a bookstore: "Some people think football is a matter of life and death- i can assure u, it's much more serious than that." - Bill Shankly.
Spiritual Manners
My favourite real life ghost story, even though as I had to explain to someone, the ghost isnt a ghost.
My brother and his friend A went to the Scary House. A shrieking ghost jumped at them from the left. Shut up! responds A. "Mind your language" said the ghost.
And I think that that was the strangest thing that has ever happened to him or anyone in a scary house or house of horrors or whatever
Friday, May 22, 2009
a little bittle shop
Yesterday I saw a 'bittle' shop. That's exactly what the signboard said, 'bittle shop'. It was little and I kept staring at it with I think my mouth hanging open a little bit and thinking what the hell is a bittle shop, it looks like a paan shop. Then it hit me.... it was a betel shop.... :D ... translated into bengali that is a paan shop.
Last year suki showed me a something thong church.
There are shops in bombay which sold shirts and paints only they are pants as pronounced by them marathis. Sometimes they sell surts and pents too. response to the comments my last post got..
Hi Deboleena. Thanks. And my aunt is awesome, she gives me crossword book coupons for my birthdays and doesn't insist on buying clothes. Last year she also shot me in the backside with tetanus on the first day of the pujas after I came home with my foot slashed open. That was not fun...
Suki, I'm jumping in the happiness of you getting the point of the new blog being the anecdotes and sentence getting too stupid to complete.
Monday, May 18, 2009
The Thief
A year ago, my grandfather died. A month or so after that when the fuss about the funeral etc had died down, the house more or less lay quiet. Taking advantage of this, some local thief decided to raid the house. In the dead of night he crept up the water pipe and into the house. That's around when the plan went wrong.
That weekend my aunt and uncle were staying there. A light sleeper, my aunt (a 50 year old woman) woke up when she heard the thief's footsteps and hit him with a walking stick lying around. Then she and my uncle tied him to a chair and called the police.
After this, while waiting for the police, she felt bad. She offered him a chocolate chip cookie! He refused. Then she offered him water, he drank some then spat some out. After that, thankfully, the police arrived before she could make any more hospitable overtures.
Sunday, May 17, 2009
This happened when I was around 10 years old. I couldn't fall asleep and around midnight after struggling for three hours I woke my mom up and said I couldn't sleep. She told me to count sheep. I asked her how this process worked. She explained that I imagine sheep jumping over a fence and keep counting them. I counted till ONE THOUSAND THIRTY SOMETHING. Then I stopped.I concluded that this process does not work, atleast not for me. How could anyone busy with numbers fall asleep? I fell asleep after that.
Friday, May 15, 2009
Mum started unpacking. One look at my t-shirts- decision- they need to go. She throws them on the floor one by one and I rescue them yelling about 'u gotta buy me new ones before u can throw away the old'. Fine, she said, let's go now. Now? How about tomorrow? OK. Tomorrow.
As she digs into the suitcase and discards half my wardrobe she reaches the underwear. (Ancient and comfortable.) Got to go. Blank expression I deliver my line again- ' these u really got to buy me new ones before u can throw away the old. "
She doesn't dignify me with an answer.
As she digs into the suitcase and discards half my wardrobe she reaches the underwear. (Ancient and comfortable.) Got to go. Blank expression I deliver my line again- ' these u really got to buy me new ones before u can throw away the old. "
She doesn't dignify me with an answer.
Wednesday, May 13, 2009
What's New?
Mom knows how to make black forest cake now. (It has rum in it and bro pretends to be drunk after a slice.)
Bro is 6 feet tall. That's 1 foot in one year or something. Apparently the fact whether he's taller than dad can be determined based only on the variable factor of who shampooed recently. (That's what they told me)
The clock got a new pair of hands.
Also they got a new clock. Without hands. Digital. Love it. Saves me a lot of trouble.
Point being...I'm home!!
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Monday, May 4, 2009
I am a self-confessed sportshead. Its the the only thing I watch regularly on tv. Its the only part of the newspaper I have ever read. Here are two of the more tragic conversations that have happened to me in recent times.
with a little boy........
how long is a tennis match? how many minutes?
a tennis match isnt played in minutes!
oh. ok. how many hours then?
with warden at 3.00 pm
please leave the common room, tv isnt allowed now.
ma'am we are watching a match.
ok, how much is left? how many overs?
ma'am its tennis.
ok. how many balls?
(hunh?? its not cricket. we measure it differently. aaaaah)
Episode 4: A New Hope
First post. New blog. Life has changed a lot since a bored teenager living at home started a blog to fight studies induced boredom. Here I am, in a new city, in college. I haven't changed, but I have grown.
Here's to an attempt to channel some creativity into this blog. Sharing conversations, pictures and incidents. Whatever inspires me, moves me or just plain makes me laugh.
Sorry about the post's title. It's probably the result of having no internet connection in hostel which is what had led me to stop blogging and a childhood fascination with the star wars.
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